Saturday, May 5, 2012

Work in progress

 You know the saying, 'You never stop learning? Means we're all a work in progress too. We're aren't *there*, we're working on it."

  Several years ago, I got on the 'go green' bandwagon before it was cool. Alot of the things we did out of necessity growing up would be considered 'green'. One thing I get from my mom is a deep sense of frugality. I'm  not saying I'm the most frugal person in the world and am more frugal than you by any means. We splurge. Often. But that's a work in progress too.
  Every time I would read an article about '10 ways to save on your electricity bill without spending another penny' I was like, 'We already do all that. I've been doing all of that all of my life.'
   So last night, we inadvertantly started a new thing at our house. It was late, I had all of the windows open. I'd just cleaned the day before, including my stockpile of smelly candles (someone's gonna read this and say, "but burning smelly candles releases XYZ into the air & will give you cancer!"-more on that in a different post.) I left one sitting out for us to burn, because we all want our homes to smell good & inviting, at least to use right? It's 80 degrees in my house, I'm not about to fire up the stove to bake something to make it smell better, also because I would eat whatever that something is, and it would not be good for my health either so...
  Burning smelly candle. Kaylor washed the dishes by candlelight, while I got the little kids to bed. She carried it to her room and used it's light to clean her room.
  Adds an extra step or 2 into our day, but as we work on earlier bedtimes, we attract less bugs than with traditional lights. The fumes from the candles might have some bad stuff in them but apparently my CFLs do too. Also the glow of the candles will be more conducive to getting the babies down than bright lights glaring.


  1. Use beeswax,, then the fumes of your candles will be a non-issue. :)

  2. Meant to add this..

  3. when I run out of my stockpile, I will. The ones I have are soy though :-)
