Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kaylor's Birth

I started having regular contractions on Monday Jan. 13. I had a check-up scheduled already, so I went and the Dr. confirmed, 'Yeah, you're in early labor. It might be tonight. Tomorrow, it might be next week." One thing I liked about the Dr. was he always smiled.
So Aaron & I went off about our day. I walked up & down our driveway. We went to Target and walked around. My contractions dwindled. So I went to bed.
I woke up about 5ish, and couldn't get comfortable. I was more uncomfortable than ever, but it didn't dawn on me that I was in real labor. I tossed & turned for awhile trying to go back to sleep. I finally decided to get up to use the bathroom, and when my feet hit the floor, my water broke.
When it did, it was like someone had poked a water balloon with a needle. I felt it break, then I felt warmth oozing around, like I was having a nice warm bath in my uterus. Though brief it was a relaxing, calming feeling. Then it gushed out. I was in the bathroom at that point, and called to Aaron that my water had just broke. He was up and out of bed and on the phone with my mom, who lives next door, and was also a labor & delivery nurse at the hospital we were going to since I was 5.
I did *childbirth* classes at the hospital. It didn't teach me anything I didn't already know from all the books & magazines & videos I'd read & watched with my mom growing up. But I was young, and naive and though I didn't think I knew everything, my older sister had had 2 kids at this point, completely natural, so I thought, 'If she can do it, I know I can do it."
I got in the shower, where my contractions came on full force out of nowhere. I don't know if had to do with how Kaylor was positioned, or fear of the unknown of childbirth (even though women have been doing it for thousands of years...) but that was my worst labor. It was also the worst drive to the hospital.
Once I got to an L&D room, I was begging for pain meds. The Dr. hadn't arrived yet, (luckily my Dr. was on call, but my mom had already said that if I asked him, he'd probably come in even if he wasn't on call.) I had a dose of Stadol. I honestly don't remember it doing much for the pain, or anything at all, but my mom & Aaron say that I slept. I knew I was supposed to move around, but I didn't want to get out of the bed.
At some point, my nurse checked me and said something didn't feel right. So the charge nurse came in and checked me. Then my mom checked me. The charge nurse and my mom said she was breech, but they had to wait on the Dr. who was there pretty quick when they called him and said as much. He confirmed, and within 15 min. I was getting wheeled to the OR. On the way past the nurses station, I felt the urge to push, and my mom told me to.
So around 9 am, Kaylor was born via c-section. Kaylor's heartrate had been fine up until they took me off the fetal monitor to do my epidural. When she came out, she was blue and not breathing. She let out one little cry and then they started working on her. She 'pinked up' really fast and was fine, Aaron went off with her to the nursery, while I got stitched up and stapled back together.
It was about an hour til I finally got to hold her, but when I did, she latched right on. We stayed in the hospital 2 nights. The first night, she slept in the bed with me, and the 2nd, she slept on the couch with Aaron.
My mom says that I had did really well after having my c-section, as far as doing stuff, but every morning, I would get up and go to my moms house and sleep on her couch til Aaron came home, for at least 2 weeks. Maybe that's just the norm for a first baby...

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