Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Shaunda's Story- Brennan's Birth

I'm posting this, from my friend Shaunda's Blog.

Brennan's Birthday!!!

After going to the doc's on Monday, Feb. 7th, Bobby and I decided we would choose to be induced. At the appt, I was 4-5 centimeters dilated and the doc said I may not make it to the induction date (set for Wed. Feb. 9th at 6:30 am). We called the grandparents and got prepared for our big day!! My mom was coming on Tues night to stay the night and get Tanner up and to school the next day. Bobby's parents were coming down on Wed morning. BUT........Mr. Brennan had a mind of his own! On Tues night around 5 ish I felt a really strong contraction (while I was on FB-go figure). Then another one came about 20 mins later. I was like, OK, this could really be it!!! Then another 8 mins later. I kept having random ones here and there until 5:45 when they started coming 6 mins. apart! I was caught by surprise, I thought they would come at 10 mins apart for a while, then slowly get closer together, but nope, 4-6 mins apart for an hour! So I called the midwife and she asked if I was wanting an epidural. I was like "Oh yeah!!!" She said to come up to the hospital and she would meet us there. Luckily, my mom got to our house at the same time as I was on the phone with the midwife and Bobby and I hauled off to the hospital. Even though he was driving super fast, I was so scared I would not get there in time for the epidural. (The hospital is about 25 mins away). Luckily, I made it in enough time for them to give me the epidural-YAY!!!!! It only took on one side the first time, but they took it out and fixed it. The nurse checked me after I had the epidural (around 9 at night) and said I was 9 centimeters, but that he was still sitting really high. So we decided to just have me chill out, try to take a nap, and let them know when I feel the urge to push. Well, my mom and Bobby both fell asleep, but I just couldn't nap. So at 1 am on Feb. 9th, the nurse said, I guess, I'll just check you. So she did and she said, "I see hair, get ready to push!" Boy, was I surprised. I woke up Bobby and my mom, started pushing at 1:05 and had him at 1:10!! It all happened so fast we didn't even have the cameras ready to take a pic of Bobby cutting the cord! :) There were extra nurses on hand in case I hemorrhaged again, but I did not (thank God) and they layed Brennan on me and I was smitten! He had dark curly hair and was just so cute! He weighed 8 pounds 3 ounces, and was 21.5 inches long. That night I held him all night as he slept on my chest. I couldn't really sleep, I was just so happy that he and I were both healthy! I breastfed him immediately and many times throughout the night! He even pooped 3 times the next day-Whoa!!! Kas, Bobby's parents, my mom, Tanner, and the Montini's came to visit us on Wed. We requested to go home on Thurs. and were released around noon! Then we began our life as a family of four! The next blog will be about our first few weeks as a family, but for now, this is all I have time for!! :)

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